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Education City
Speaker Series

One of the defining elements of Qatar Foundation (QF) is its role in providing platforms – for education, for research and innovation, for community engagement and interaction, and for empowerment. And among the platforms that QF offers are those that illustrate the value of dialogue and discourse.

Upcoming event

How Can Cultural Legacy Contribute to Shaping Advanced Societies?

Reflecting the Qatar National Day celebrations, and emphasizing the importance of cultural legacy to social progress, Qatar Foundation welcomes writer and poet Dr. Hasan Ali Al-Nimah for a special edition of the Education City Speaker Series Bel Arabi - exploring the role of cultural legacy in societal development and national aspiration, and how young people can be empowered to preserve and embrace their cultural heritage.

Learn more
Dr. Hasan Ali Al-Nimah - QF

About ECSS


The Education City Speaker Series (ECSS) brings together global experts to engage the community in meaningful discussions that challenge assumptions and broaden perspectives.

Past sessions

From education and youth empowerment to sport, sustainability, and social change, the Education City Speaker Series tackles the key topics and trends shaping our world. You can look back at our previous events here.
