Tracy Hardister

Dr. Tracy Hardister

Director of The Learning Center (TLC)

Psychology | Developmental Needs | Mental Health | Special Education

Dr. Tracy Hardister is the director of The Learning Center (TLC). She has over 20 years of experience working with children, adolescents, and their families in a variety of settings, including schools, residential treatment facilities, community mental health, and juvenile detention settings. She has worked with children and adolescents who present with a range of special education, mental health, and developmental needs.

Dr. Hardister joined Qatar Foundation in 2012 to serve in the capacity of school psychologist at Awsaj Academy, and then in 2014 transitioned to the role of Principal of The Learning Center (TLC). In January 2018, Dr. Hardister was appointed to the role of Director for TLC. Prior to joining Qatar Foundation in 2012, Dr. Hardister worked at a community mental health center in Denver, Colorado, where she served as the program manager for Early Childhood Services and the director of Training for Psychologists.

In her work across settings, Dr. Hardister has provided direct service, training for staff, education and support to parents, and consultation services.

Dr. Hardister holds a B.A. in psychology from the University of North Carolina, USA, and Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.) in clinical psychology from the University of Denver, USA.